1) I cannot login.
Answer: Use your student ID number as it appears on your ID card and the default password 123456 for first time users.

2) I have forgotten my password.
Answer: Click on the “I Forgot my password” on the login page of the student portal or visit the direct link http://udsmis.com/students/recoverpassword

3) I cannot open the portal.
Answer: Make sure you get the portal address or url correctly ( www.udsmis.com ), your ID number is correct and appears exactly as it is on your student ID card, the caps lock (Capital Letters) is off or on to capture your password correctly. Again clear your browser cache or change the browser or the device (phone/computer) you are using.

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Type code here=>  

For first time users password = 123456

I Forgot my password

Click here  for student guide.

Link for freshers who can not login

Complain Desk